I will be posting synopses as the episodes air here in Canada.  Beware though, these summaries are spoiler-full. These synopses are her for people who don't get the 4th season, but still know what's happening in the world of Sliders. 


               Quinn and Maggie Slide back to EP, only to discover that the Kromaggs have enslaved and imprisioned most of the population.  While trying to locate Wade and Rembrandt, they meet up with resistance fighters who knew Wade and Remmy, and tell Quinn and Maggie that they have been captured by the Kromaggs.  A computer hacker hacks into the 'Maggs database and locates Remmy, but Wade is not in the records.  Quinn and Maggie, along with the resistance fighters, formulate a plan to rescue Remmy.  They steal uniforms from 'Magg minions, and gain entry to the complex by way of fake ID cards.  They locate Remmy, who has to be convinced that Quinn is indeed his "Q-Ball".  He is convinced, and in the process of escaping, Quinn is shot and captured.  Maggie and Remmy leave, along with the other resistance fighters, vowing to come back and rescue Quinn. While they are formulating their plan, Quinn is tortured by a Kromagg for information about the resistance.  He tells them nothing, but his interrogator mentions Wade's name.  Quinn asks him if she is alive.  He says yes, but that she has been sent to a Kromagg breeding camp.  The Kromagg interrogator then proceeds to tell Quinn that Wade is probably enjoying herself, and "Once you've had a Magg, you never go back." at which point, Quinn spits in his face (go Quinn!).  Quinn is then thrown into a prison cell.  A few minutes later, a ragged woman is thrown into the cell with him.  Quinn goes to help her, and discovers that she is his mother.  Happy reunion ensues.  Quinn grows suspicious that she is, in fact his mother, and not a Kromagg trick.  He is partially convinced, but then she throws him a real curve ball.  She tells him that she is not his birth mother, and that his real parents are from another earth, and left him with them for safekeeping.  She tells Quinn that they were the doubles of Quinn's mother and father.  Then, she cuts her arm and extracts a chip like device, and tells him to press it to his forehead when he is alone, and it will answer all of his questions.  Shortly after, Quinn is taken out of the cell for shipment, and is rescued by Maggie and Remmy.  When Quinn insists that they go back for his mother, Remmy punches him out.  Quinn regains consciousness later on, and recounts the encounter with a disbelieving Remmy.  Quinn then pulls out the chip, and places it to his forehead.  An image of Quinn's parents, much younger and in strange uniforms, appears in front of him.  They explain to him that their world was at war with the Kromaggs, and feared for his, and his brother's (yes, Quinn has a brother) safety, so they sent them to live with their doubles, saying that they would come back to get them if they defeated the Kromaggs.  Quinn finishes his 'vision', and tells the other two of his experience, and explains that there may be hope.  His foster mother said that his parents came back for him two years after they gave him to them, but his foster parents didn't want to give him up.  That means that the weapon that Quinn's parents were developing was sucessful, and that somewhere in the multiverse lies the key to destroying the Kromaggs.  The three decide to Slide, with the logic that they have more chance of finding the weapon, than they do trying to defeat the Kromaggs with a handful of resistance fighters.  The three Slide, and the credits role. 


 Prophets and Loss 

Common Ground 

Virtual Slide 

World Killer 

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? 

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